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Name: Damian A. Bartolacci


Birthday: December 27th


Favorite Books: The Dark Tower, The Sandman, Harry Potter


Favorite Movies: Back to the Future, The Shawshank Redemption, The Abyss


Favorite TV Shows: Supernatural, How I Met Your Mother, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly

The first movie I ever remember watching was “Back to the Future” when I was 4 years old.  I would watch it over and over again, reciting lines who’s meaning I had little knowledge of at the time. I would get completely lost in the story and characters and plot.  That is where my love of film and video began.  At 11 years old, my cousin was babysitting my brother and I and we decided, instead of watching TV as per usual, we would make a short horror/comedy on my dads old VHS camcorder.  That’s when I realized I wanted to be a videographer for a living.  


Years went past and i would save my money and buy the next great video camera, continuing to make short films for my friends and family to watch.  Then Apple created Final Cut Pro, and my life in videography was never the same.  I taught myself how to edit from watching movies and documentaries and TV shows.  I taught my younger brother the basics and he eventually became so amazing at it, that if there was anyone I would go to for a problem I was having with a film or video, it would be him.  This website is up much to the credit of him.  


Video and film is my life.  Being able to tell stories through this medium just as other artists tell their tales through books and photography and sculpture and paintings is an indescribable feeling i will cherish my whole life. Thanks for visiting.





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